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Jonathan Davidson (Javier Castro), Kevin Wheatley (Tex Kennedy), Paul Whitty (Quincy the Robot), Alex Reznik (Yorick Schlatz), Jamie Bullock (Cannibal Sue), Bill English (Benny Remington), Jim Ryan (Henry Edison), Stewart Carrico (Zach and Thorn Jefferson), Morgan Carson (Ginsberg), Alcorn Minor (Xavier) zdroj: imdb.com

The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell (2006)

Jonathan Davidson (Javier Castro)
Kevin Wheatley (Tex Kennedy)
Paul Whitty (Quincy the Robot)
Alex Reznik (Yorick Schlatz)
Jamie Bullock (Cannibal Sue)
Bill English (Benny Remington)
Jim Ryan (Henry Edison)
Stewart Carrico (Zach and Thorn Jefferson)
Morgan Carson (Ginsberg)
Alcorn Minor (Xavier)
zdroj: imdb.com
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