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Rick Moranis (Toy Taker), Garry Chalk (Santa Claus), Terry Klassen (Telephone), Kathleen Barr (Rudolph), Scott McNeil (Hermey), Lee Tockar (Charlie in the Box), Alec Willows (Kite) zdroj: imdb.com

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer & the Island of Misfit Toys (2001)

Rick Moranis (Toy Taker) - měl 48 let
Garry Chalk (Santa Claus) - měl 49 let
Terry Klassen (Telephone)
Kathleen Barr (Rudolph) - měla 34 let
Scott McNeil (Hermey)
Lee Tockar (Charlie in the Box)
Alec Willows (Kite)
zdroj: imdb.com
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